Institute Director, Vedanta Aspioti
Essential Psychotherapy
Essence is the very fabric of our Soul. When we experience our Essence we have the sense of wholeness. In contrast, the lack of contact with our Essence gives us a sense that we have lost our way home, that we have lost our paradise. We are born full of Essence and free of any conditioning. As time passes and childhood programming settles into our system, we gradually lose the connection to our Essence. We then live in a paradoxical state of existence: we are Essence and yet we do not know it.
If we picture our True Self as a shining star, then the qualities of our Essence are like its many rays, each ray representing a different quality. These are fundamental human virtues such as love, compassion, courage, wisdom, joy, presence, innocence and others. The loss of our connection to our Essence affects us somatically and psychologically, creating issues in our body and our psyche. It is for this reason that the understanding of Essence is central when working with people therapeutically. The emergence of a psychological issue indicates that underneath, the soul is seeking to regain touch with a lost aspect of herself. In this light, the issue becomes an opportunity to reconnect with our Essence. If we adopt this view as therapists, we are not reduced to becoming problem solvers. Rather, we become companions of the soul of the person that we are accompanying along the healing journey. This is the foundation of being an Essential Therapist.