
Training Structure

The 4 Year Training to be an Essential Therapist

The aim of our institute is to teach and train our students to become Essential therapists with a wide variety of knowledge and treatment interventions available to them. We combine elements of body-oriented psychotherapy, working with intuition, inner child work, emotional processing, essence work, couple –relational work, individual and group therapy, working with trauma and working with building structure. The result we aim for is strengthening the core, building a healthy sense of self, with the capacity to relate and form healthy relationships, being empowered by being in touch with one’s own resources, having a sense of direction and purpose in life, accessing and freeing the innate being and actualizing one’s potential.

 Meditation is a pillar of the process. We often say if the therapy can help a person to meditate and reach his own depth, then we consider it a success. Meditation as we define it is not limited to one method or technique or associated with a specific tradition. It is a way of life and a dialogue with one’s own soul. We work with many forms of meditation to cultivate self-awareness awareness. Meditation also empowers the client to actively participate in and take responsibility for his/her healing. 

 Participation in groups is also a cornerstone of the therapy. As the latest findings in neurophysiology and the modern pioneers in therapy are showing us, healing is not individual. It is collective. This is why it is very important to work with group dynamics and use the group as a resource for healing. The group provides a massive support that allows the corrective experiences to take place. The group functions as a mirror for every individual process, or better said the individual finds many mirrors for himself in every other individual in the group. In that sense, the feedback that the individual receives within a group can be the most powerful catalyst for his/her healing. Being part of a group is already a resource in itself, as it provides a sense of belonging to a community. 

 As you will see in our training structure, some parts of our training take place in the Netherlands and other parts in Greece and in the summer in our retreat and meditation center on the secluded island of Thymaina. This mixing of cultures and locations has enriched our training and has served as a source of inspiration for students from around the globe. 


Year 1: The Power of Light Training

The first year training is the Power of Light foundation training for becoming and Essential Therapist. The Power of Light refers to the empowerment that the light of awareness brings to the individual. Awareness implies felt-sense and awareness of the self is the basis of the sense of Self. For this reason, the foundation year is first and foremost an education in reconnecting with the body and our feelings and this being a compass in the therapeutic process. We learn to attune to others through our own felt sense, which is a basis for our intuition. By increasing our feeling capacity we can be open to receive information and perceive the issues of the people we work with. We support our intuitive perception by learning in-depth about the energetic flow in the body, the different Bioenergetic body types, inner child work, trauma work, neurophysiology, and other approaches. The training modules are based on creating corrective experiences in order to heal the wounds from childhood in a loving and compassionate atmosphere that provides emotional safety. There are 4 training modules in total. 

Year 1:
1Coming Back to the Body
2Empowerment to be your True Self
3The Body Types of Alexander Lowen
4Exploring your Beliefs and Conquering the Superego

Year 2: Learning the Fundamentals of being a Therapist

The second year consists of training in basic therapeutic fundamentals and practice as an assistant in the Basic First Year Training as well as in learning how to work with the Channeling the Inner Child protocol. It is a powerful process of being there for oneself as well as being able to support others, a call for learning integrity, containment and how to give sessions.

Year 2
1Therapeutic Fundamentals Part I
2Therapeutic Fundamentals Part II
3Channeling the Inner Child Part I
4Channeling the Inner Child Part II

Year 3: Relational, Group Dynamics and Introduction to Essence

During the third year, we focus on relational work and group dynamic, the self-transformation process as well as on learning how to lead groups. We also move into working with Essence. The unfoldment of Essence, the Essential flow and blossoming of each individual are supported by personal processing in the field. 

Year 3
1Relational and Couple Therapy
2Personality Types and Leading Groups
3The White Essence
4The Red Essence
5Advanced POL Training: The Higher Chakras

Year 4: Integration and Graduation

The fourth year of education can be extended in more than one year. We continue to emphasize on the process of self-transformation. This includes the actualization of who we truly are in our daily life, in the professional field, in our relationships, etc. In general, we master living our life according to our true inner values. We also complete the basic Essence packages.

Year 4
1Psychopathology and Structure
2Integration and Practice
3The Black Essence: Power, Peace and Intuition
4The Green Essence: Love and Compassion
5The Yellow Essence: Joy and Playfulness