Year 3 training

Module 5: Advanced POL Training - The Higher Chakras

Location: Pearl Center, Thymaina

Hours: 70

Study Load/Credits: 3.04

Instructors: Vedanta Aspioti, Ravi Pagnamenta

Course Goal:

 In the Power of Light Training we work through the ladder of the chakras, energy centers which correspond with locations in our body, in order to discover what stands in the way of our life energy and prevents us from living our full potential. In this part of the training, we explore the higher chakras, the 6th chakra located in the center of our forehead and the 7th chakra located on the crown, the top of our head. 

This exploration can only be approached through the body. Having worked through the issues of the lower chakras and becoming more and more grounded, we can move into opening up our consciousness and aiming to reach the state of the true mind, free of the limitations and blockages of our childhood conditioning. 

 Learning Objectives:

 After completing this course the students will be able to: 

 1.     Recognize the energetic and psychological content of the sixth and seventh chakras 

2.     Integrate principles of safety and social engagement with meditation and spiritual opening 

3.     Apply grounding interventions as a safe base when working with the higher energy centers of the body 

4.     Evaluate psychological issues from a broader supervision 

5.     Incorporate the principles of horizontal and vertical alignment 

6.     Apply advanced energy work interventions with the physical and subtle bodies 

 Required Literature:

 Lowen, Alexander, Joy: The Surrender to the Body and to Life, Penguin Books, 1995

352 Pages, 6 pages per hour pace, 59 hours

Optional Literature: 

 Pierrakos, John C., Core Energetics: Developing the Capacity to Love and Heal, Life Rhythm Publications, 1990

Testing: Reflective Assessment (formative)