The power of light basic training year 1

Module 4: Exploring your Beliefs and Conquering the Superego

Location: Wajid, Den Haag

Hours: 49

Study Load/Credits: 3.64

Instructors: Vedanta Aspioti, Nikolaos Athanassakis 

 Course Description:

 In this fourth part of the Power of Light training, we identify and clean out all that stands in the way of us connecting to our true inner voice and guidance, so we can see beyond our conditioning, our projections and our false ideas of who we are. In this group, we take an in­-depth look at our psychological structure and specifically at the ego-­superego constellation. Through experiential work and exercises we will see how the superego – which is the internalized toxic voices of our parents – still controls us and takes away our inner regulation and our autonomy. Eventually, we will gather the tools to become aware of and minimize the effect that these judgmental and criticizing toxic inner voices have on us and our life.

 Course Goal:

 The course aims at teaching the students how to gain touch with their own inner guidance as a compass for working with oneself and others 

 Learning Objectives:

 After completing this course the students will be able to:  

1.     Recognize the energetic and psychological content of the fifth chakra 

2.     Identify their personal beliefs that block authentic self-expression 

3.     Distinguish the makeup and content of their toxic superego 

4.     Apply interventions to resolve the toxic aspects of the superego 

5.     Revise their life vision, intent and direction to align with their authentic inner values through manifestation 

6.     Employ their own inner guidance as a source of information and a compass in therapeutic work 

Education Method: Lecture/Theory, Exercise, Meditation, Group therapy process, Practice

Required Literature: 

Aspioti, Vedanta, POL Basic Training Manual for Part IV: Exploring the Beliefs and Conquering the Toxic Superego, Unpublished, 2018

71 pages, 8 pages per hour pace, 9 hours

Stone, Hal and Sidra, Embracing Your Inner Critic: Turning Self-Criticism into a Creative Asset, Harper One, 1993

224 pages, 6 pages per hour pace, 37 hours

Optional Literature:

Brown, Byron, Soul without Shame: A Guide to Liberating Yourself from the Judge Within, Shambhala, 1998