power of light basic training year 1

Module 2: Empowerment to be your True Self

Location: Wajid, Den Haag

Hours: 49

Study Load/Credits: 3.93

Instructors: Vedanta Aspioti, Ravi Pagnamenta 

 Course Description:

This second part of the training is purely an empowerment in discovering and reconnecting with our true potential. When we begin to liberate ourselves from our conditioning and touch on the unique quality of our soul, we are faced with the challenge of how to move forward and embody that quality in the world. We explore the issues around our power and everything that holds us back from living life totally, as we deserve and according to our life vision. True power lies in reconnecting with our essence. We can then realize that we have the resources and the choice to take the reigns of our life in our hands and move toward self-mastery, instead of being trapped in a cycle of dependency, reactivity and resignation with the people and circumstances around us. This is the path of Empowerment.

 Course Goal:

 This course has the objective of helping the student learn about setting healthy boundaries and reaching the source of their empowerment.

 Learning Objectives:

 After completing this course the students will be able to: 

1.     Recognize the energetic and psychological content of the third chakra 

2.     Distinguish their own projections and judgments 

3.     Identify their armoring, defensive strategies, self-image, shadow side and core wound underneath 

4.     Describe the state of shock, how it affects a person’s energy flow and how one may come out of it 

5.     Illustrate how to experience the hara center in the belly as the energetic center and source of true empowerment  

6.     Utilize touch, hands on energy healing, psychic surgery and other interventions to free the energetic blockages in themselves and others 

 Education Method: Lecture/Theory, Exercise, Meditation, Group therapy process, Practice

 Required Literature:

 Aspioti, Vedanta, POL Basic Training Manual for Part II, Unpublished, 2006

46 pages,  8 pages per hour pace, 6 hours

 Levine, Peter, Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, North Atlantic Books, 1997

288 pages, 6 pages per hour pace, 48 hours

 Optional Literature: 

 Van der Kolk M.D., Bessel, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, Penguin Books,2015