
Nikolaos Athanassakis




Phone: +30 6974595069


Nikolaos has worked as a counselor for children with disabilities and middle school children. He now works as a therapist in Greece and internationally, specializing in Bioenergetic Analysis, trauma therapy with the body, working with the Inner Child and Essence work. 

Nikolaos has formal training in Bioenergetics, Gestalt Therapy and other modalities of psychotherapy. He is currently in his third year of training to be a CBT (Certified Bioenergetic Therpist). He is also a certified TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) provider, which works with healing through the body's natural, involuntary movement.  In his work, called Ensomatics, he aims to help people expand their body awareness and reconnect with their body's innate resources in order to regain their sense of self. His orientation and passion is finding the point where body and spirit meet and working with this spark to ignite profound healing and transformation.

Nikolaos is also an Essence Teacher in training with Vedanta Aspioti in the Diamond Logos Academy in Greece. Along with his father, they have created the Orphic Center, whose aim is to teach and facilitate people to experience the teachings of Orphism, the ancient Greek spiritual movement.